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More Articles from the Ormond Research Group


Hall AS, Baynes R, Neumann LM, Maibach HI, Ormond RB. Skin Permeability of Perfluorocarboxylic Acids Using Flow-Through Diffusion on Porcine Skin. Toxics. 2024; 12(10):703.

Probert C, Ormond RB, Baynes RE. Impact of Skin Decontamination Wipe Solutions on the Percutaneous Absorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Toxics. 2024; 12(10):716.

Jahura, F.T., Mazumder, N.U.S., Hossain, M.T., Kasebi, A., Girase, A., Ormond, R.B. (2024). Exploring the Prospects and Challenges of Fluorine-Free Firefighting Foams (F3) as Alternatives to Aqueous Film-Forming Foams (AFFF): A Review. ACS Omega, 9 (36), 37430-37444.

Hossain, M.T.; Ormond, R.B. (2024). Assessing the Impact of Pre-Soaking to Enhance Laundering Efficacy of Firefighter Turnout Gear. Toxics 2024, 12, 544.

Probert, C.; Nixon, E.; Ormond, R.B.; Baynes, R. (2024). Percutaneous Absorption of Fireground Contaminants: Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, and Benzo[a]pyrene in Porcine Skin in an Artificial Sweat Vehicle. Toxics 2024, 12, 588.


Kesler, R. M., Deaton, A. S., Ormond, R. B., Silverstein, S., Donlin, K. L., & Horn, G. P. (2023). Impact of firefighter hood design on range of motion, noise production and hearing. Ergonomics, 1–10.

Mazumder, N.U.S., Lu, J., Hall, A.S., Kasebi, A., Girase, A., Masoud, F., Stull., J.O., Ormond, R.B. (2023). Toward the future of firefighter gear: Assessing fluorinated and non-fluorinated outer shells following simulated on-the-job exposures. Journal of Industrial Textiles. 2023;53.

Girase, A.; Shinde, A.; Ormond, R.B. (2023). Qualitative assessment of off gassing of compounds from field-contaminated firefighter jackets with varied air exposure time intervals using headspace GC-MS. Textiles 2023, 3, 246-

Girase A., Thompson D.B. and Ormond R.B. (2023). Impact of conventional and advanced cleaning techniques on the durability of firefighter turnout ensembles. Front. Mater. 10:1138652. https://doi:10.3389/fmats.2023.1138652

Girase, A., Thompson, D.B., Ormond, R.B. (2023). Bench-scale and full-scale level evaluation of the effect of parameters on cleaning efficacy of the firefighters’ PPE. Textiles 2023, 3, 201-218.

Hossain, M.T., Girase, A.G., and Ormond, R.B. (2023). Evaluating the performance of surfactant and charcoal-based cleaning products to effectively remove PAHs from firefighter gear. Front. Mater. 10:1142777.

Mazumder, N.U.S., Hossain, M.T., Jahura, F.T., Girase, A., Hall, A.S., Lu, J., and Ormond, R.B. (2023) Firefighters’ exposure to per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as an occupational hazard: A review. Front. Mater. 10:1143411.


Girase, A., Thompson, D., Ormond, R.B. (2022). Comparative Analysis of the Liquid CO2 Washing with Conventional Wash on Firefighters’ Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Textiles 2022, 2, 624-632.

Wang, Z., Amanah, A.Y., Ali, K.M., Payne, L., Kisthardt, S., Scholle, F., Ormond, R. B., Mathur, K., Gluck, J. M., (2022). A standardized procedure for quantitative evaluation of residual viral activity on antiviral treated textiles. Textile Research Journal. 2022;0(0).


Kesler, R. M., Mayer, A., Fent, K. W., Chen, I. C., Deaton, A. S., Ormond, R. B., … Horn, G. P. (2021). Effects of firefighting hood design, laundering and doffing on smoke protection, heat stress and wearability. Ergonomics, 64(6), 755–767.


Shinde, A., Ormond, R. B. (2020). Development of a Headspace Sampling−Gas Chromatography−Mass Spectrometry Method for the Analysis of Fireground Contaminants on Firefighter Turnout Materials. ACS Chemical Health and Safety,

Shinde, A., Ormond, R.B. (2020) Headspace sampling-gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer as a screening method to thermally extract fireground contaminants from retired firefighting turnout jackets. Fire and Materials, 1–14.


Ormond, R. B., and DenHartog, E. A. (July 20, 2017). “Effect of Clothing Layers on Mass Transfer of Methyl Salicylate Vapor Through CBRN Materials in a Cylinder Test.” ASTM International. J. Test. Eval.. July 2017; 45(4): 1378–1387.


Narayanan, G., Ormond, R. B., Gupta, B. S., & Tonelli, A. E. (2015). Efficient wound odor removal by -cyclodextrin functionalized poly (epsilon-caprolactone) nanofibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132(45).

Farrell, M.J., Ormond, R.B. & Gabler, W.J. Quantitative analysis of trimethyl amine in cotton fabrics cationized with 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride. Cellulose 22, 3435–3439 (2015).